Our program will provide age appropriate and individualized activities for young children. At this age, children are more independent and able to manipulate their environment. As they grow, they are better able to understand other points of view. Children’s classrooms are organized into learning centers. The most common learning centers are: dramatic play, sand & water, manipulatives, blocks, art, science, writing and reading. However, each teacher may create or name her own learning centers in accordance with the children’s interests. The characteristics of our program at this stage are:
- Children as constantly spoken to and given opportunities to express themselves.
- Children are expected to be physically and mentally active in activities of their choice.
- Children meet as a group to share in the planning and execution of group activities.
- Children work individually or in small, informal groups most of the time.
- Children are provided with many opportunities to develop social skills such as cooperating, negotiating and talking to other people in order to solve interpersonal problems.
- Adults prepare a stimulating, challenging and meaningful environment where children are able to meet their needs in all developmental areas: physical, social, emotional and intellectual.
- Children are read to every day. Adults demonstrate reading and writing as way to communicate and interact with others.
- Children are given opportunities to explore with different languages or sign systems (reading, writing, drawing, dancing, singing, constructing, and so on).
- Children are given opportunities to develop understanding of concepts about themselves, others, and the world round them through observation, hands on activities and interaction with others.
- Learning about math, science, social studies, health, and other content areas are all integrated through meaningful activities.
- Children have daily opportunities to use large muscles for running, jumping.
- Children have daily opportunities for aesthetic expression and appreciation through art, music and drama.
- Children’s emergent interests and activities are posted.
- Children and teachers keep track of their goals
Home-School Communication
A communication notebook between home and school will keep parents and teachers informed of the child’s needs and development.
Nap / Rest Periods
Nap or rest period is necessary for the physical and emotional well being of the children. Story time and relaxing music will be an integral part of the nap time routine.
However, children (preschoolers in particular) who do not want to sleep will be involved in other relaxing activities with adult’s supervision. The center will provide a sleeping cots, sheets, pillows and a blanked for each child. Children’s items should be labeled with the child’s name.